Massage Therapy

Light massage includes Reiki, Swedish, Energy Work and Spa massages. This style of massage can offer profound results or simply relax you. Spa massage is usually fairly light and designed to relax you. For people new to massage, this is a good first step. Most light massage addresses the whole body at one session. It is the spa industry that has been at the fore front of massage education. Until recently, only the elite knew the value of massage. Most royal families receive massage daily.

Medium massage may leave light bruising after completion. Professionals who do medium massage are well trained and usually have a great deal of experience. You should never feel sharp pain during a massage. Discomfort is normal momentarily. You should surely feel younger and livelier after a day or two. You will find some medium massage in spa settings, however, independant practitioners are more likely to practice medium massage. Between light and deep, medium massage still addresses the whole body in one session.

Deep massage is for athletes, people who do heavy work and those in accute pain. Again, sharp pain is contrary to healing. Bruising is normal after the first few massage sessions. You may be sore for a day or two like after a good work out. Your body will change dramatically after the third or fourth session. Be the time you have had six or seven sessions, you will be much more flexible and will understand the true value of regular massage. Born in ancient China 6,000 years ago, massage was used as a form of healthcare. The ancient form of massage called “Tuina” is the foundation of many deep muscle techniques. “Canadian Deep Muscle Massage” was born in the late 1800′s. “Rolfing” was born in 1959 at Eslan in California. Each of these techniques addresses only one area of the body at any one time. These practitioners are usually very well trained. Again, sharp pain is not to be acceptable. Discomfort is certainly normal.